lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Martial arts - the journal of the South of Cordoba

EThe last Sunday, in the Municipal Sal?n of sports facilities, was realiz? with the national open martial arts tournament ?xito ?Copa Villa Mar?a? city, qualifying for the 5th. Global ?Chile 2012? and Pan American ?Brasil 2013?.
The event was organized by the school Wushu Kung Fu ?Zheng Dao?, subsidiary Villa Mar?a, in charge of Sifu Hugo Vilches (black strip 2? Tuan) and controlled by IMAT (International Martial Art Tours).
Attended by delegations of our province (capital C?rdoba, Etruria, Arroyo Cabral, Dalmacio V?lez, La Laguna, Las Varillas, San Francisco, Salsipuedes, Riverside, La Falda, R?o room and gold water), Santa Fe (capital, Rosario, Governor G?lvez and Carcara??) and Buenos Aires (Escobar and Boulogne).
There were 250 competitors and nearly 400 people followed until 21.30 all modalities of competition (forms, forms with weapons, combats and fights x computers).
Between the m?s emphasized, the brothers Hern?n and Fernando Abraham were summoned to join the Argentine selecci?n disputar? fights by Nations in October pr?ximo, during the South American Championship of martial arts in Buenos Aires.
The results of the subsidiary Mar?a Villa and affiliates subsidiaries to ?sta of the school of Wushu Kung Fu ?Zheng Dao?, were as follows:

Subsidiary Villa Mar?a (Sifu Hugo Vilches). 33 competitors (48 medals):
Abraham Hern?n (1st in combat, 1st combat teams), Fernando Abraham (1st. in forms, 1st. combat team, 2nd. in combat), Jos? Ag?ero (1st) combat teams, 2nd. arms, 2nd. in forms, 3rd. in combat, Jos? Schiller (2nd in forms, 3rd. combat teams), Luca Botta (2nd in combat, 3do. combat teams), Daniel Teobaldi (1st) in combatSa?l Guevara (1st in forms, 3rd in combat), David Botta (1st. in combat, 1st. arms, 3rd. Forms), Agust?n P?rez (3rd) in combat, Mart?n Rodr?guez (2nd) in combat, Paulo Telgarecz (1st. in combat), David Wingeyer (3rd) in combat, Axel Su?rez (1st) in combat, Aaron Godoy (1st) in combat, El?as Pringles (2nd combat), Marcelo Pierantonelli (3rd) in combat, Maribel Martino (1st. arms), 2nd. in combat, 3rd. (in forms), Candela Soria (1st in combat, 2nd in forms), Alfonsina Pacheco (2nd) in combat, Bianca Lighthouse (1da. in combat, 2nd. in forms), Uriel Dom?nguez (1st) in combat, M?nica Garofila (2nd) in forms, Marcelo Alaniz (2nd in forms, 2nd. arms), Luciano Corradini (2nd) in forms, Daniel Miranda (2nd) in arms, Maximilian Ponce (1st. in forms, 3rd. arms) and blue C?rdoba (2nd) in forms.

Subsidiary Arroyo Cabral (instructor Fernando Abraham). 21 competitors (28 medals):
Esteban Ag?ero (1st) in combat, Alexis Cardoza (1st. in combat, 1st. Forms, 1st. arms), Sergio Chialvo (1st. in forms, 3rd. in combat), Iv?n M?rquez (2nd) in combat, Santiago Lerda (1st. in combat, 1st. in forms), Mart?n Cessano (3rd) in combat, Facundo Comba (2nd) in combat, Iv?n Chialvo (2nd in combat, 2nd.-shaped), Franco Herrera (1st. in combat, arms 2nd.)Joaqu?n Rosso (1st. arms, 2nd in forms, 3rd. in combat), blue Capornio (3rd in forms, 3rd. in combat), Magal? Bono (2nd in combat, 2nd. shaped, 3rd. weapons), Roc?o Olivero (1st. in combat, 1da. in forms), Stephen Ag?ero (1st. in combat), Leonel Gonz?lez (3rd.-shaped), Cesar Caballero (2nd) in forms and Rafael Horz (1st) in combat

Subsidiary La Laguna, (instructor Ezequiel Fern?ndez). 6 competitors (7 medals):
Ezequiel Fern?ndez (3rd) in arms, Mart?n Forneris (2nd. in combat, 2nd in forms, 3rd. arms), Francisco Forneris (2nd) in combat, Axel Fern?ndez (2nd) in combat and grandson Carlos (2nd) in combat.

Subsidiary Dalmacio V?lez Sarsfield (Instructor Jos? Ag?ero). 4 competitors (1 medal): Fabricio Soto (3rd) in combat.

Subsidiary rods (Instructor Roberto Uriel). 3 competitors (4 medals):
Uriel Roberto (3rd in combat, 3rd in forms), Roberto Gamboa (2nd) in combat, Nahuel Lell (3rd) in combat.

Other notes in the sports section
CL?Sico Col?nAburrieronRojas and golesUno for each unoSin emoci?nNUESTROS data

The journal of the center of the Pa?s is published by the cooperative communicate in Argentine journalists 466/474, city of Villa Mar?a, Rep?blica Argentina
Tel?fonos: 0353-4523976 and 4613126-0353

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